Understanding Early Female Hair Loss: Why it Happens and How You Can Correct It

Hair loss is common in both men and women, and it is often regarded as a prominent irreversible sign of aging While hair loss is widespread in men, it is also highly prevalent in women According to the American Hair Loss Association, women make up 40% of people who suffer from hair loss... | Read More

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early female pattern hair lossHair loss is common in both men and women, and it is often regarded as a prominent irreversible sign of aging. While hair loss is widespread in men, it is also highly prevalent in women. According to the American Hair Loss Association, women make up 40% of people who suffer from hair loss. Approximately 50% of women over 50 years of age are expected to suffer hair loss.

Traditionally, long, lush, and voluminous hair has been regarded as one of the defining symbols of femininity – a cultural ideal dating back to ancient times. And because of these long-standing associations with long hair, it can be understandably difficult for some women to openly discuss this problem, let alone seek the proper treatment.

With that, let’s discuss early hair loss in young women. We will explore its causes, how it differs from male-pattern baldness, and most importantly, identify what procedure can best restore hair loss and volume in women under 40.

The Hair Growth Cycle & Why Falling Hair is Perfectly Normal

Let’s take a moment to outline the cycle of hair growth, which takes place in four phases affected by factors such as age, exercise, lifestyle, diet, alcohol, and chemicals.
stages of hair growth - dr vasileios vasilakis

Growing Phase (Anagen) The initial phase of hair growth can last from 3 – 7 years. During this period, follicles push out individual strands of hair that will continue to grow for the next several years, regardless if they are cut or trimmed.
Transition Phase (Catagen) During this phase, the hair follicles begin to shrink, which will slow down the growth process until the hair naturally separates from the follicle. This period can last anywhere from 7 – 10 days.
Resting Phase (Telogen) New hairs begin to form in the follicles during this phase of hair growth, which can typically last for upwards of 3 months.
Shedding Phase (Exogen) The presence of shedding hair marks the final phase of the growth cycle. It is estimated that most people will lose up to a hundred strands of hair a day for several months. It is normal and is just the body’s natural way of allowing new hair to grow.

Female-Pattern Hair Loss vs. Male-Pattern Baldness

WHERE IT STARTS Receding hairline with noticeable thinning at the crown of the head Reduced hair along the top
WHEN UNTREATED Can lead to complete or partial hair loss in the scalp Can develop into unsightly patches of hair loss throughout the scalp

What Causes Hair Loss in Young Women?

Female-pattern baldness is multifactorial. Therefore young women, before reaching menopause, may face this condition.

When it comes to younger women, several issues can trigger the early loss of hair. So, let’s take a moment to identify each particular cause.

androgenetic alopecia - dr vasilakis

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic Alopecia is the most common trigger of early hair loss in both men and women. It is a genetic disorder marked by the excessive presence and response of androgens – male hormones responsible for reproductive function – and secondary sexual characteristics.

Most women develop androgenetic alopecia due to the body’s overproduction of androgen due to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

Jada Pinkett Smith opened up about her struggles with hair loss due to alopecia in 2018.

stress - dr vasilakis


Experiencing any form of psychological stress can potentiate hair loss by prematurely pushing hair from the follicles, leading to a higher number of falling hair on a given day. Additionally, physical stress from tight braids and ponytails can wear on the follicles, causing more hair loss.

hormonal changes - dr vasilakis

Hormonal Changes

Hormone fluctuations, often associated with pregnancy and oral contraceptive pills.

heredity - dr vasilakis


Genetics affects the age of onset, pattern, and extent of hair loss.

Treating Early Female Hair Loss with Hair Transplants

There are several hair restoration treatments currently available to both women and men in the United States, with hair transplantation being a leading treatment choice.

Traditional transplant methods require a surgical incision cut into the scalp to remove a strip of tissue used to harvest hair follicles. This often results in a very noticeable scar that runs along the head’s back, unsightly and irreversible consequence patients are forced to accept before surgery.

In comparison, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplants visibly reverse thinning without cutting into the skin. Individual hair follicles are carefully extracted from donor sites along the back of the scalp.

These follicles are then used to restore the hairline in sections of the scalp that has experienced significant thinning.

Depending on the clinic, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is added to the procedure to enhance and stimulate the renewed growth of hair. According to a 2016 study published in the Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery, patients who included PRP in their FUE treatments showed an increase of over 75% hair regrowth within six months. This showed a significant increase in regrowth and hair density than those who did not include PRP in their treatments.

Learn More About FUE Hair Transplant

We offer FUE Hair Transplant to patients who experience early onset of hair loss. Learn more about our service by visiting our landing page or schedule a consultation with one of our plastic surgeons.
FUE Hair Transplant in Houston Schedule An Appointment

Making Informed Decisions

Early hair loss is understandably challenging for many women to discuss, let alone seek treatment openly. However, it is essential to know that there are FUE Hair Transplants procedures that can reverse its thinning and loss.

If you are a woman under the age of 40 and have already started seeing early signs of female-pattern hair loss, remember that there are treatments for you. It is essential to begin consulting with a specialist who can assess your needs and discuss all available options. This will allow you to make an informed decision moving forward.

Under the proper care, the results from FUE hair transplants can yield empowering results that restore your hair and your confidence.

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