Tummy tuck in Houston

The tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure for both men and women that removes loose skin and excess fat from the belly. Results yield a firmer and flatter tummy which can be maintained through a healthy lifestyle.

Our board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Patrick Hsu, Dr. Kendall Roehl, Dr. Vasileios Vasilakis, and Dr. Tuan Truong are annually rated as top doctors in Houston due to their exceptional results. As it is one of our most popular body contouring procedures, our team successfully performs over 300 surgeries every year in our Houston and Clear Lake, Webster offices.

A front photo of a patient before tummy tuck.A front photo of a patient after tummy tuck.
A side photo of a patient before tummy tuck.A side photo of a patient after tummy tuck.

Is Tummy Tuck Right for Me?

Our plastic surgeons recommend tummy tuck to patients with excess abdominal skin and fat and an overhanging belly.

It is always recommended that patients be at their goal weight with a BMI of around 30 to obtain the best cosmetic results and reduce the risk of complications. Patients considering childbirth or significant weight loss should consult our physicians, who may recommend delaying surgery until a later time when their weight is stable.

What are the Different Types of Tummy Tuck?

Mini Tummy Tuck

  • This procedure is suitable for both men and women who suffer from minimal excess skin, mainly below the belly button.
  • One incision is made along the lower abdomen over the pubic area.
  • The primary focus of this type is to excise the excess skin below the navel and repair the abdominal wall muscles.

Full Tummy Tuck

  • This is the most common form of the procedure and is conducive for patients who have experienced weight loss or pregnancy-related laxity.
  • Incisions are made hip to hip along the lower abdomen, in the pubic hairline, with another incision around the belly button.
  • Both skin and excess fat are removed from the abdomen to achieve the best improvement in abdominal contour.
  • The muscles of the abdominal wall are re-tightened.
  • A new opening for the navel is created.

Extended Tummy Tuck

  • This procedure is usually required in patients who have experienced massive weight loss or multiple childbirths.
  • A longer incision is made in the lower abdomen from hip to hip and extends along the flanks to create the best abdominal contour possible.
  • This enhances the appearance of the waist and flank contour.
  • Re-tightens the abdominal muscles.
  • A new opening for the navel is created

Tummy Tuck Videos

How is the Procedure Performed?

The tummy tuck procedure is performed under general anesthesia, removes excess skin and fat, and tightens the abdominal wall with sutures. Our doctors strategically place incisions as low as possible on the abdomen to minimize scarring to ensure it is easily hidden beneath your underwear and swimsuit line.

Our surgeons also take the extra time to reposition and reconstruct your new belly button to ensure that your final results look natural. Drains are inserted to reduce the risk of fluid collections and promote wound healing. Finally, a compression garment is placed to help your body conform to its new shape.

Tummy Tuck Cost & Financing

Typically, the tummy tuck cost ranges from:

  • Mini Tummy Tuck
    $5,600 – $9,500+
  • Full Tummy Tuck
  • Extended Tummy Tuck

The final price is inclusive of the anesthesia and operating room (OR) fees, and follow-up visits with your doctor after surgery. It also includes the professional fees of your surgeon, which vary per doctor. The cost may vary if your abdominoplasty is combined with other surgical procedures such as liposuction or mommy makeover. You will get an accurate quote during your consultation with your plastic surgeon.


Memorial Plastic Surgery accepts personal checks, credit cards, and cryptocurrency. Additionally, we provide financing options to ease the costs for our patients.

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Recovery & Results

The abdominoplasty is most commonly an outpatient procedure. Our patients usually go home on the same day as surgery once our doctors have cleared them. On average, it can take 4 – 6 months for your final results to manifest. You can review the chart below for an estimated breakdown of what to expect during the recovery period:

Bruising 1 month
Swelling 4 – 6 months
Compression Garment use 4 – 8 weeks
Drain use 1 – 2 weeks
Return to Work & Driving 2 weeks
Full body showers 36 hours
Household chores  4 – 6 weeks
Regular exercise & strenuous activities 6 weeks

The final results will improve your physique, leaving you with a firmer abdominal contour and an improved waistline. Additionally, the procedure can also be combined with the correction of abdominal wall hernias.

For the best recovery, patients are recommended to follow Memorial Plastic Surgery’s post-operative care instructions. Regular follow-up appointments with our doctors will also be scheduled to monitor your progress after surgery.

Request Your ConsultationYou can request a consultation online or if you have any questions please call the office 713-633-4411.

Tummy Tuck Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have a tummy tuck after liposuction?

Yes, our doctors routinely perform abdominoplasty following liposuction. They regularly combine these two procedures with improving the contour of your waist and flanks optimally. You can discuss your options with our doctors during your initial consultation.

What other procedures can be performed with a tummy tuck?

Abdominoplasty is among the procedures offered in a Mommy Makeover, including breast augmentation, breast reduction, and/or breast lift.

Can I have an abdominoplasty after pregnancy?

Yes, most certainly. This procedure is ideally performed following the completion of all childbearing as future pregnancies, and excessive weight gain can alter the surgery’s final results. Our plastic surgeons recommend that patients who have undergone a c-section wait at least 6 months to 1 year before proceeding with a tummy tuck.

When can you resume working out again?

As stated above, unless otherwise instructed, patients should resume strenuous activities and exercise 6 weeks after tummy tuck surgery.

*The content and images on this page are provided with the sole intention of educating potential patients on the procedure discussed above. Results vary per individual and are dependent on our doctor’s consultation prior to the procedure. We strongly recommend undergoing a formal consultation with a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon prior to scheduling and undergoing any surgical or non-surgical treatment.