BBL Task Force to Educate Patients

Last month, the ‘BBL Task Force,’ a joint initiative between board-certified plastic surgeons across the world, issued a public warning towards the dangers of the Brazilian Butt Lift The task force found that as many as 1 in 3,000 patients will die during the procedure due to surgical... | Read More

| October 8, 2018 | , | 1 Comment

Last month, the ‘BBL Task Force,’ a joint initiative between board-certified plastic surgeons across the world, issued a public warning towards the dangers of the Brazilian Butt Lift. The task force found that as many as 1 in 3,000 patients will die during the procedure due to surgical malpractice.

Brazilian Butt Lift Fat Transfer Under the Muscle

According to board-certified experts, some surgeons inject the harvested fat underneath the muscle, which can result in an embolism that causes the fat to travel up to the lungs and heart. Combined with aggressive and cost-effective practices, the procedure can be fatal.

“It is important to avoid the area beneath the muscle due to the presence of large blood vessels,” shares Dr. Patrick Hsu.

Together with Dr. Kendall Roehl, Dr. Patrick Hsu has done many initiatives to educate patients in the city of Houston and beyond on the potential benefits and risks from BBL and other elective cosmetic procedures.

“It’s important that patients consult with a plastic surgeon who is board-certified,” adds Dr. Kendall Roehl. “Cost-cutting surgeries like the Brazilian Butt Lift can leave patients vulnerable to a host of complications and multiple revisional surgeries.”

Dr. Patrick Hsu on ABC 13

As a response to the Task Force’s warning, Houston’s ABC 13 caught up with Dr. Patrick Hsu at Memorial Plastic Surgery’s Houston office to discuss the dangers of these often unsupervised practices.

To read the full report issued by The Multi-Society Task Force for Safety in Gluteal Fat Grafting, click here.

Video Transcript

A lot of things can go wrong on the operating table, but the Brazilian Butt Lift is the most deadly cosmetic procedure.

Yes, just last week a group of plastic surgeons issued a warning about the surgery, finding as many as 1 in 3,000 patients die during a BBL. And now a Houston plastic surgeon is taking the warning a step further. Now, this procedure combines liposuction with fat grafting, meaning it sucks out fat from one place where you don’t want it, and doctors then inject it into your behind for a look a lot like a Kardashian. BBLs make up more than seventy-percent (70%) of Dr. Patrick Hsu’s business at Memorial Plastic Surgery. But a bigger backside doesn’t come cheap and can cost on average between $5,000 and $12,000. Tonight, Dr. Hsu is warning you that you shouldn’t be tempted by any of those cut-rate alternatives to surgery like illegal injections.

There are individuals- they’re not even physicians and doctors- who are cruising around all of the major cities, and they are doing these procedures in a hotel room, in a basement, and they are injecting people with either Fix-a-Flat, silicone. I mean, there are all sorts of substances being injected into the body in order to try to enhance the buttocks. What happens is these patients wind up with either skin necrosis, massive infections, or massive deformities.

Not the place to try and save money. Dr. Hsu says it is up to every patient to do their homework on credentials and technique. Celeste spent a year researching board-certified plastic surgeons before opting for the surgery.

It’s your life on the line, so you have to be sure that who you’re going with, you know, is an expert in the field, because dying? It’s not worth it.

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    Professor Janes Frane

    Unfortunately the video isn’t about the Brazilian Butt Lift it is about lack of regulation in the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Specialty. Fat Embolism occurs during many procedures including liposuction and bone reaming in Orthopaedic Surgery. The physical act of extreme waistline lipoharvest and large volume single procedure graft to buttock is highly risky and even board certified Plastic Surgeons are not immune from creating this problem. It is far too simplistic to think this is caused by direct venous injection of fat after going into the sub gluteus max plane. The intramuscular injection has been put forwards by ISAPS and the ASPS as the problem with thicker non valves veins being cannulated but I think these recently performed anatomical studies have been misinterpreted.( Ref ISAPS Conference Miami 2018 )

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