Health Benefits of Liposuction

You have struggled with your weight for a long time Finally, through hard work, you have seen some positive results Strenuous exercise and a low-calorie nutritious diet have paid off The weight has dropped off, and you are in better shape than ever There is only one problem There are fat deposits... | Read More

| October 25, 2013 | | 1 Comment

health benefits of liposuctionYou have struggled with your weight for a long time. Finally, through hard work, you have seen some positive results. Strenuous exercise and a low-calorie nutritious diet have paid off. The weight has dropped off, and you are in better shape than ever. There is only one problem. There are fat deposits around your midsection that won’t go away. No matter how hard you exercise, no matter how many stomachs crunches that you do, your belly doesn’t get any smaller. Unfortunately, this problem affects many people.

As we age, our bodies tend to hold on to unwanted fat deposits. These fat deposits are typically found in the abdomen, the thighs, hips, and lower back. For many of us, an excellent solution to this problem is through a cosmetic surgical procedure known as liposuction.

Liposuction & Good Health

Most people have heard of the liposuction procedure. They have seen it discussed on television, or read magazine articles that mention it, or perhaps know someone who has undergone the procedure. It is likely that they know what the procedure is used for, and have maybe even considered it for themselves.

Some may think it is a solution to obesity. They may think that if you can suction an amount of fat from the body, then you can suction ANY amount of fat from the body. This isn’t the case. A person needs to be within their ideal weight range.

Someone suffering from obesity must use other avenues for weight loss. Lipo is designed to remove a few pounds (up to ten pounds) of fat that doesn’t respond to conventional methods of weight loss.

Health Benefits of the Procedure

Liposuction surgery not only offers the obvious cosmetic benefits of a sculpted figure, but it also provides some health benefits.

There are the emotional benefits tied to improved self-esteem and self-confidence that comes from an improved self-image. If we are happy with our appearance, that happiness has a positive impact on our day-to-day lives, as well as our interactions with others, including family, friends, colleagues, and employers.

Then there are the physical benefits of a reduced midsection. When fat accumulates around our abdomens, it can lead to some serious health issues, in the form of heart disease and diabetes. This is especially true of men.

There is no replacement for a proper diet and regular exercise, but when you have lost all the weight that you can, and you still have accumulated fat around your middle and other areas, then liposuction can offer many benefits, both cosmetic and health-wise.

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*This blog is created and maintained for informational purposes only. The images present may not accurately reflect actual cases per individual. Individual cases are unique, and the descriptions and solutions will vary per patient.

1 Comment

  • If there’s health benefits to liposuction than it should be MEDICALLY COVERED by insurance, right? Right. Absurd that it isn’t.

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